In a recently published article, Mr. Dragos Adrian Neagu, County Public Library "P.Istrati" from Brăila Director responds to an amount of questions related to his achievements as a professional, at his 20-year anniversary of activity within the institution. To the question "What is the most important project that you made or that you have participated in these two decades of work at the library?" Mr. N. gives response, which led to the achievement of the Collective Catalogue of Libraries in Romania - BIBLIO.RO (, which also has the functionality of a digital library, developed with the help of TinREAD.
Also worth mentioning that Mr. Neagu speaks about development of his library information services which have as support the TinREAD.Standard Neo-ILS: the development of his institution digital library which has a collection of digital objects that integrates both the titles of old and contemporary periodicals, scholar bibliography for middle school classes and multimedia. I might add, to the praise the creation of lists supplied by the TinREAD in OAI-PMH format linking the digital objects from the local database with EUROPEANA.EU, the scan and automatic data processing project based on TinREAD and its functionality of use standard bibliographic METZ and ALTO (by scanning the "Înaintea" serial title, an historically constituted and ceased the appearance) and integration of EM equipment from 3M that complements the free access system of the users to the library's printed materials.
In this way, we congratulate Mr. Dragos Adrian Neagu for the achievements he has scored in his work and we wish him to be healthy and able to continue which aims, along with his public library from Brăila professionals.