OPAC module is a standard feature of any modern integrated library system. The flexibility of OPAC module allows readers to access library collections at any time from any place.
The concept of "Next Generation OPAC" (new generation OPAC) is already an established formula that refers to new types of interfaces and features available to readers by modern libraries.
Unprecedented dynamic range of IT&C has led directly to the reformulation, reorganization and redefining concepts recent considered. We talked a while about Web 2.0 and, mostly, this is not a strictly technological revolution. This concept is a redefinition of traditional web space which is evolving as essential toward: user became a content provider.
Real "2.0" fashion did not let insensitive neither the libraries and librarians. Library 2.0 is already established within a coherent package of strategies and directions of development and modernization services. FRBR, together with the concept of "Multiple MARC Formats" (MARC multiple formats coexisting in a catalog) were named MARC 2.0 but the term seems not to have the required consistency in terminology field.
In this regard, in practical terms, the concept OPAC 2.0 is a well-defined term, even consecrated we could say. Mentioned in various contexts by professional works, the concept was clearly defined, structured and operationalized by a work that was dedicated to: BREEDING, Marshall. Next-Generation Library Catalogs. In: Library Technology Reports, Vol. 43, no. 4, July / August 2007, ISSN 0024-2586. Publication edited by ALA devoted this issue to the subject, and author Marshall Breeding, author and editor of www.librarytechnology.org, needs no presentation.
The TinREAD WebOPAC Module is totally a new generation OPAC.
Everyone can find in the TinREAD WebOPAC Module all standard features of a “Next Generation OPAC”, as Marshall Breeding summarizes this essential functional features that define the new type of OPAC interface. And most important thing, all standard features of TinREAD WebOPAC Module are present in all TinREAD versions (TinREAD.Mini, TinREAD.Standard and TinREAD.Expert).
As in every traditional OPAC system, TinREAD WebOPAC Module gives the reader information available in traditional library modules (Cataloguing, Circulation, Acquisitions, Serials Control). With the advent of new modules (ERM, Federated Search, Digital Libraries etc.) WebOPAC system have extended its functionality and give users access to information through a single access point (portal) that transparently consolidates these resources. The features that complement the traditional functionality are: modern web interface, enriched content, faceted navigation, search by keyword relevance, search suggestions (did you mean?), readers’ recommendations, reviews and ranking, RSS, integration with social networks.
In addition, patrons can logon into the system and check their account: loans, overdue dates, fees. They can update their personal information (phone, email, address etc.) but can’t change main information (id no, name). Also, patrons can send messages to staff (requests for books, for information) and they can check the availability of an item and to place holds (reservation) for an item or a global reservation for a title (whatever item will be available first); reservations are allowed for general use items and not for reference items (to be consulted only in the reading-rooms). The library users have access to history list of the performed searches and they can jump to previous search by selecting it from a list. The history list is saved in system database and used for statistical purposes; it can be sorted by any of the search fields or any value searched.
Every each user can self-register for SDI (Selective Dissemination of Information) services and receive email notifications including a link to the bibliographical record stored in the library catalogue when this becomes available.
In addition to the basic functionality of a modern OPAC system, TinREAD also provide extended features (other types of information and specific functionalities).
Functionality of OPAC module depend on the purchased TINREAD package. A table of comparisions for the features is listed below.