Serials Control module is a tested and robust product that can handle virtually complexity of serial subscriptions and purchases.

The main features of Serials Control module are listed below:
  • Budget management and coding for personalized budgets
  • Management of requests and approvals
  • Routing lists
  • Quick cataloguing for issues
  • SDI lists generation
  • And more ...

Automation of daily acquisitions flow allow staff to access every functionality they need in just a seconds::
  • Routed/Distributions lists are simply created, maintained and printed
  • Complaints and reports of missing units are quickly and accurately generated
  • Quick registration of received units
  • Automatic generation of SDI notices
  • List of copies to be received can be generated automatically from the order (subscription) or the receipt of the first issue
  • Lists of owned copies or renewal can be created in seconds and organized by location, delivery address or other particulars
  • Generate serial numbers expected to be received
  • Serials binding and linking to inventory numbers, lists of numbers held

Take advantage of the electronic revolution in publishing and book selling
  • Book contents and chapter summaries electronically recieved from publishers can be embeded into content presented to the readers
  • Scanning and digitizing of materials, covers, abstracts and topics of Chapters
  • System provide communication interfaces for implementing online services:
    • retrospective conversion
    • On-line complains
    • On-line registrations
    • Access to database of suppliers
    • An electronic copy of invoices

Serials Control Module is fully integrated with TinREAD. He shares the same data files with other modules which simplifies workflow and allows control of procedures, providing an accurate picture of the process of managing subscriptions to serials.

Functionality of Serials Control module depend on the purchased TINREAD package. A table of comparisions for the features is listed below.


Suppliers file
Global funds
Custom funds
Orders management
Issues management
Invoices management
Issues lists management
Quick checkin
Prediction table
Binding management

